Mrs. Kamla Devi Minocha Jan 3rd, 1932 - April 1st, 2017
She was my mother.
Every parent has her favorite amongst the kids, and in our family, that honor and pleasure was not mine, probably because I was the oldest and was supposed to be the most responsible. Despite all that, the mother’s love and caring was equally shared.
She was my mother.
She was the glue and the anchor that held the family together despite the trials and tribulations of growing up in a not-so-well of situation.
We were sent to the best and the most expensive schools in the city, We were provided with freshly washed and ironed clothes everyday, all the while she bought her own clothes at neighborhood sales.
She was my mother.
While all the kids at school brought their lunch boxes with them in the morning, we were sent fresh hot meals at lunch time. All this time, she suffered the insults and indignation of people around her, who thought she was raising her kids as if they were too special.
She was my mother.
As a grown up, as I climbed up the socio-economic ladder, I made mistake after mistake, committed sin after sin. But she always blessed me with unquestioned forgiveness.
Very shortly, you would see me perform the traditional ritual of breaking all our bonds with her, but is that realistically possible?
After all, she is my mother!
---Anil Minocha MD