Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health
Let's face it. Most of us have stressful, tiring, blah blah moments during the day when we wish there was something to boost the body energy and metabolism. The following Best Ten Tips (plus 2 bonus) will help you get through the blah time so you feel fresh and lively all day at work and beyond.
Is It Leaky Gut or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
1. Avoid diets that are too restrictive. Eat healthy well-apportioned food.
If you are dieting to lose weight, make it a slow gradual process allowing body’s metabolic processes to adapt along with. Minimum energy intake is 1200 calories for men and 1500 calories for women. Rather than aggressive dieting, try intermittent fasting which is better for weight loss and body's metabolism. Read more to learn if fasting good or bad for health? Check out the My Plate guidelines from the USDA/CDC.
2. Reduce sugar intake: High consumption of foods with refined sugar, while they may give a sugar rush immediately, can make you tired even more shortly thereafter.
Stevia is a naturally occurring sweetener devoid of calories. Honey is a natural sweetener, which also has calories, bestows many health benefit on the individual. Click here to read more about healthy and controversial sweeteners.
3. Take a short power nap (15-30 minutes max) especially mid-afternoon.
Anything nap more than an hour may actually have adverse impact on energy. Click here to read more about healthy sleep and naps.
4. Drink plenty of water (8-10 glasses unless on fluid restriction on medical grounds) while avoiding carbonated beverages.
Commercially available water that are supplemented with electrolytes but devoid of without sodium are an excellent choice. Brands include SmartWater®.
Is It Leaky Gut or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
5. Avoid or minimize alcohol even at night especially night cap.
Alcohol disrupts normal healthy sleep patterns resulting in a disordered sleep. It’s diuretic effect further complicates the situation making person get up to use restroom in the middle of the night. The net effect is lack of adequate restful sleep, and as such you are more likely to feel energy deficient the next day. Don't forget the effect of alcohol hangover! Read more about what causes alcohol hangover?
6. Small light healthy snacks can keep replenishing the declining energy levels between major meals.
Healthy options include like apple, banana, blueberries, carrots, small amounts of nuts like cashews, almonds (unless allergic) and yogurt. Mixture of fruit added to yogurt can be a delicious choice. Do not buy yogurt mixed with fruit; add your own fresh fruit to yogurt.
7. Avoid large meals, whether lunch or dinner. It is easy to overeat especially when food is delicious and company is good.
Remember, there is about 20 minute communication delay between your stomach and brain!
8. Avoid prolonged sitting. If in a sedentary job, try foot and leg exercises intermittently during your work on computer.
Use a high level desk that allows you to work while standing. Take a short walk for about 10 minutes around your building or if within the building. Some employers have signs of distance measured in their hallways to encourage walking.
9. Avoid “energy bars”. For most part they are loaded with refined sugar that is harmful to your health. Consume wholesome bars that primarily contain protein, fruit (eg figs) and whole grains. The latter allow body to maintain higher energy levels without sharp swings seen with energy bars.
Is It Leaky Gut or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
10. Try select supplements: While people eating healthy well-balanced diet and practicing healthy lifestyle rarely need supplements, few of us qualify under this definition. Persons eating frequent fast foods on the go or with irregular meals may be candidates for supplements.
I would recommend magnesium, calcium and vitamin D. Magnesium is a critical factor needed in hundreds of energy consumption biochemical reactions in our body. Vitamin D deficiency occurs in alarming proportions in the Western countries especially in colder regions.
11. Never ever skip breakfast for any reason including but not limited to weight loss remedy.
Kids who eat breakfast turn out to be smarter kinds. Adults trying to lose weight tend to have greater weight loss and tend to maintain it longer if they eat regular breakfast.
12. Stress is a way of life. Unstressed person feels better energy while tress causes a person to be fatigued.
Avoid stress producing situations as much as you can, like arriving at a meeting a couple of minutes early. Deal with stress promptly and close the conflicting issue as much as possible during the day itself rather than bringing the baggage home. An apology from one heals souls on both sides.
Is It Leaky Gut or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health
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Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health