Covid-19 is the most humbling experience of the smartest of all the species in the evolutionary cycle. An organism that does not even have a brain, has tied up the entire human race in knots.
We have already made huge strides in our medical knowledge over a short period. Human behavioral adaptations are critical to prevent spread of Covid-19 while medical science continues its pursuit of modalities for treatment and prevention of this illness.
Union is strength. We are more powerful if we work together. In a tribal or nationalistic asymmetric fight against this Covid-19, there are no winners and losers, only losers and losers.
Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health
My own sister has dis-invited me (and rightly so). My best friend in town apologizes every time I call him just to say hello, and that he can’t see me.
I ventured to a store to get essentials yesterday. I was shocked to see no social distancing and many people without mask.
At the same time, my coworkers in health care put their lives on the line everyday seeing patients in the hospital irrespective of Covid-19 status---Covid-19 confirmed, suspected on unknown.
Trust me, we are scared when we walk into a Covid-19 positive room. It is our duty and responsibility, and we do it. We just ask others to do theirs. Let's get out when we have to, otherwise, preferably stay home.
I am a God-fearing person. Places of worship serve multiple purposes, including business, socializing and of course worship. I can easily mail a check to my place of worship whenever I want, so that the business can be sustained. I do my worship at home. I doubt if God is very unhappy at me because of that. If He is, I do not want to have anything to do with such God. Period.
Winston Churchill reportedly said history is written by victors. Even the rich and powerful have proven to be no match for a submicroscopic organism that cannot even survive independently on its own.
The Covid-19 pandemic started in China. It is indisputable that China could have helped a lot by being more forthcoming about this virus earlier.
Pointing fingers is not going to help with current situation. Neither is the use of unproven voodoo medicine. There is enough blame to go around.
All of us humankind need to band together. These viruses are going to be more common as we continue to destroy the natural habit for animal kingdom.
Many developing countries are seeing more and more animals in their towns and cities. In some cities, animals like monkeys are part of the scene.
Dr. Shi Zhengli, nicknamed “Chinese bat woman” renowned for her work about viruses in bats warns that viruses like Covid-19 only represent “the tip of the iceberg.”
Calling for international cooperation, Dr. Zhengli cautioned that “If we want to prevent human beings from suffering from the next infectious disease outbreak, we must go in advance to learn of these unknown viruses carried by wild animals in nature and give early warnings.”
Similar thoughts have been expressed by medical scientists all across the world. Dr. Anthony Fauci said, "Now is the time, if ever there was one, for us to care selflessly about one another."
"A pandemic is a lot like a forest fire," President George W. Bush prophesized. "If caught early it might be extinguished with limited damage. If allowed to smolder, undetected, it can grow to an inferno that can spread quickly beyond our ability to control it."
Folks, ICU is a very lonely place even under the best of circumstances. It is “extra-special” if you have Covid-19. Covid-19 wards are no less depressing.
God forbid, if the outcome of Covid-19 is fatal. Death is even lonelier. The person dying is not the only one suffering. The immediate family and friends are suffering as well, albeit from a distance. They don’t even get to say a proper final good bye.
Mark twain's maxim may be very apt in current situation: "History does not repeat itself, it often rhymes". Not unlike Covid-19, earlier reports about 1918 Influenza pandemic also known as Spanish flu were censored or reports minimized in many countries. Freedom of press in Spain allowed people to see its true impact in that country. This gave false impression that Spain was the hardest hit, hence the name. Spanish flu lasted 18 months and killed between 20-50 million people worldwide.
Don’t shoot yourself in the foot in order to spite someone else. If you die of Covid-19, no one is going to hail you as martyr, not even your children. When the history of Covid-19 is written, your name is unlikely to even appear as asterixis.
Do not blindly follow people refusing to wear masks. Follow those that are. Be smart. Go out if you have to, with appropriate precautions. The best offense is a good defense, at least so far against this Covid-19. If all of us fight this together, we can beat it with least losses.
Covid-19 has exposed the occasional friction between life and livelihood. The divide is real. Neither can be ignored. We can however bridge the gap. We can and should be able to accomplish both with appropriate constraints with an acceptable risk.
This virus has also laid bare the widening gulf between the poor and the rich. The populations with the least access to health care, such as native Americans and certain ethnic minorities are suffering in much higher numbers than the wealthy. Unfortunately, a few in the latter group have been accused of “using” the less unfortunate as control group in a deathly experiment of unprotected work environment.
Covid-19 does not respect borders or political ideology. We must support international organizations to nip such pandemics in the bud far away from our borders, rather than risk them showing up in homeland when we may be least prepared.
I concede that advice on masks has been conflicting at times. It makes sense to me that mask does create a physical barrier. So I am going to try it.
We are all responsible not just for our health, but also the health of the vulnerable, at least in our family. Think of your parents, your grandma and grandpa.
Please practice social distancing and wear the mask. It is not a sign of weakness. It demonstrates your respect for people around you. It is a reflection of your love for your parents and grandparents who are at-risk population. It an expression of your strength and determination to protect others.
Be a soldier in this war against Covid-19. United we stand, divided we fall. Please wear a mask.
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Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health
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Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health