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Growing up, mom always gave me yogurt with rice or banana whenever I had diarrhea. The study below further confirms what mom and grandma always knew!
Pashapour and colleagues published their findings of a randomized controlled trial about the use of yogurt (made from pasteurized milk) in the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics. They studied moderately dehydrated 80 kids ranging from 6-24 months suffering from acute non-bloody diarrhea.
The kids were divided into two groups. The study group Infants in the case group received at least 15 ml/kg/day of pasteurized cow milk yogurt orally plus routine hospital treatment. Infants in the control group received routine hospital treatment without yogurt.
Is It Leaky Gut or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Parameters examined
The investigators compared weight gains, length of hospital stay and reduction in frequency of diarrhea.
The authors found significant improvements in hospitalization days, reduction in diarrhea and weight gain in favor of yogurt group. They recommended universal use of yogurt in acute non-bloody diarrhea.
Dr. Minocha's comments
Yogurt provides healthy nutrition, and some of them also provide healthy pro-life bacteria. Thus all yogurts are not created equal. They may have live (Dannon®)or killed bacteria. Although two specific species of bacteria are found in all yogurts, some yogurts may have more than two and also may provide much higher concentrations of bacteria like to have positive impact. One such example of the latter is Stonyfield Farm yogurt.
Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health
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