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Diet and nutrition have been confirmed to be of benefit against many chronic diseases like diabetes,hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease and cancer etc. Little known is the fact that that impact of diet and nutrition is also transferred between the generations. And this can also affect the risk of autism in the baby.
FREE at Barnes & Noble: Doctor's Guide to Milk and Your Health: The Good, The Bad or The Slow Poison
The fetal origins hypothesis
A suboptimal maternal environment during pregnancy programs the functioning of fetal tissues and modifies the risk of disease in adult life. Just consider:
- Physical characteristics like mom’s poor nutrition and/or low birth weight, a marker of adverseintrauterine milieu and health is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis in the child later on.
- Slow prenatal and infant growth is linked with hostility in adult life .
- Conversely, low birth weight of the baby increases all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality in both mothers and fathers.
Question in nutshell
How are does the mind and body remember such adverse dietary circumstances and encounters starting early from fetal time so as to have an impact immediately and long after birth?
Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health
What are epigenetic mechanisms?
- These involve functional modifications to the gene that can then modify the expression of genes without actually changing the DNA sequence or the structure of the gene. Such factors can make even identical twins different.
- Such functional modifications play an important role in formulation of effective, time reactive and adaptive response system in the body allowing the body to deal with stresses, both physical and psychological, over time during life.
Dietary components that affect epigenetic mechanisms
Is It Leaky Gut or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Components of diet that may affect DNA and modify epigenetic responses include the following:
- Folic acid
- B-complex vitamins especially B12
- Vitamin D
- Selenium
- Green tea components like quercetin
- Turmeric
A prime example:
Recent data indicates that inadequate intake of folic acid just prior to and during first month of pregnancy increases the risk of autism or autism spectrum disorders in the child by 40-fold.
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