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Western studies indicate a continued dramatic rise in incidence and prevalence of autism spectrum disorders. Most of the Because of dearth of data from developing countries, the policy makers have been largely been adopting the Western data for formulation of their local policies.
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However, utilizing the U.S. data of 1 in 88 persons affected by autism is fraught with potential for errors since the genetic pool as well as the environmental influences are dramatically different.
Limited data about autism in developing countries:
Is the incidence of autism developing countries similar to the West? Is the incidence rising just as it is in the west? Dr. Feng and colleagues from the Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore seek to answer these and related questions in a review published in the Asia Pacific Psychiatry.
Autism-China study
- The investigators searched the literature for studies relating to autism in China.
- 7 studies were found in the English language literature.
Autism in mainland China
While one autism study from mainland China reported annual prevalence of 2.38/10,000 with the caveat that this might be an underestimation, another reported a much greater prevalence of 11/10,000 persons.
Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health
Autism in Taiwan
Studies from Taiwan that has westernized at a much faster rate than mainland China, studies have reported a dramatic rise in autism in the last two decades.
- While one study by Dr. Chien and colleagues found that prevalence of autism spectrum disorders had surged from 1.79/10,000 in 1996 to 28.72/10,000 persons in 2005 with a corresponding of approximately 5-fold increase in incidence over the same period.
- An even higher prevalence rate of 122.8/10,000 persons in Taiwan was reported for the year 2007 based on Taiwan national health insurance database.
Autism in Hongkong
Studies suggest an average of prevalence of autism 16.1/10,000 during the 1986-2005.
Dr. Minocha's comments
Is It Leaky Gut or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
It is unclear from the above studies if the recent increase in autism is an actual increase or an increased diagnosis. Considering the rapidly increasing autism rates in the U.S., it appears that at least a component of above increase in developing countries represents an actual increase along with globalization taking place all over.
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Wall Street Journal Best Seller Dr. M's Seven-X Plan for Digestive Health
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